ECPAR | Espace québécois de concertation sur les pratiques d'approvisionnement responsable

Supplier performance

In an effort to reduce social and environmental risks on supply chains, most organizations choose to implement a process to evaluate the performances of their suppliers. But to collect environmental, social and economic data from their goods and services providers, businesses must make significant investments, specifically in terms of human, financial and IT resources. Analyzing the information constitutes an even greater challenge. 
These performance assessments are usually carried out as part of calls for proposals or the upstream phases of a supplier qualification process. They are also increasingly integrated into supplier risk management practices to determine and control other consequences that are not related to sustainable development. 
From the supplier’s perspective, the many questionnaires that must be filled out can constitute a major hurdle. CERES, which plays an active role in the development of sustainable reports and the implementation of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), released a survey to assess supplier sustainability in order to outline a harmonized procurement approach for contract givers and goods and services providers. 

Within the ECPAR

In 2013, Gaz Métro carried out a preliminary, non-exhaustive benchmarking of supplier risks and impacts, taking into account the sectors with the potential to generate negative impacts.  
The assessment covered key potential risk for each supplier category. The potential impacts determined through the benchmarking process were categorized as environmental, social (human rights, labour rights, etc.), economic or governance-related. The preliminary analysis of the potential risks was carried out for each supplier category and specifically focused on Gaz Métro’s 20 key goods and services suppliers. 
Click here or on the image for more information on Gaz Métro’s preliminary supplier risk assessment report (in French). 
Now that it has evaluated the potential impacts in its supply chain, Gaz Métro will determine the ways in which it can use its influence to better target the actions undertaken as part of its responsible procurement approach. 

Additional information

The ECPAR carried out a study of supplier sustainability performance data collection and analysis software. Contact us to learn more.