ECPAR | Espace québécois de concertation sur les pratiques d'approvisionnement responsable

Supporting purchaising agent

There are a number of tools to integrate responsible purchasing into broader procurement processes, including training, guides and datasheets on specific products and services, assistance in drafting clauses in calls for proposals and searches for alternative products. Buyers are crucial stakeholders and must therefore receive responsible procurement training and support. 
Click here for examples of training tools. The ECPAR has also developed a training program. Contact the organization to learn more. 

Within the ECPAR

In implementing a sustainable development approach, Université Laval introduced measures—including responsible procurement—to enhance its environmental, social and economic performances. Through the sustainable acquisition of goods and services, the university has a positive influence on society and the markets. The finance department published a responsible goods and services procurement guide entitled Approvisionnement responsable – Penser autrement (in french only), acheter mieux!, which is aimed at all of the employees who make purchasing decisions within the organization. The objective is to raise awareness of the issues surrounding responsible procurement and incite purchasers to make a commitment to sustainable development one purchase at a time. The guide includes five specific data sheets, and a total of 20 sheets are planned. All of the documents are available online here (in French).