ECPAR | Espace québécois de concertation sur les pratiques d'approvisionnement responsable

Responsible purchasing sheets and calculators

If you are a buyer, requisitioner or client of your organization’s procurement services department, the responsible purchasing tools are for you! The tools were developed by the ECPAR and its committees and may be used by any organization seeking to implement responsible purchasing practices.

Responsible purchaising factsheets

The responsible purchasing fact sheets will help you quickly identify the key environmental, social and economic purchasing criteria set out for various types of products and services. The sheets were created by life cycle experts, in collaboration with environmental and social stakeholders and sector specialists. All the information was validated by the CIRAIG.  Thanks to funding from RECYC-QUEBEC, by clicking the image below you will have access to purchase sheets of the eight illustrated responsible products and services.

You can access the following fourteen sheets by joining the ECPAR. For more information on the conditions of membership visit our section: Join or contact us via the following address:

The ECPAR also developed calculators  for total costs of ownership of six products. These calculators are intended to provide applicants buyers and key information enabling them to make responsible product acquisition.