ECPAR | Espace québécois de concertation sur les pratiques d'approvisionnement responsable

Social issues

Axes d'actions Économie sociale Droit du travail

 Sources d'information sur les enjeux sociaux Analyse des impacts et points chauds sociaux

Areas of action

Social analysis aims to promote clear directions to integrate social considerations into procurement processes in the short and medium terms. This section includes tables that summarize ways to consider the social issues and the benefits of the results 

Social economy

This section describes social economy stakeholders in Québec and provides access to supplier directories. 

Labor law

Decent and productive employment is an essential means to ensure that individuals and societies develop and thrive. This section describes the minimum labour standards required under the conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  

Sources of information on social issues

This section presents three main sources for information on international social issues in sustainable development: 
  • Monitoring centres
  • International and government organizations
  • NGOs, research centres and international campaigns
The information focuses on four areas:
  • Labour law
  • Human rights
  • Socioeconomic indicators
  • Analyses and statistics by country, theme, issue and topic 

Impact and social hotspot analysis

The research report by New Earth describes the status of the social issues in the life cycle of a computer based on three types of information: 
  1. Social hot spot database to assess social issues per country and economic sector that includes over 60 indicators for 15 themes and mobilizes over 100 public references
  2. A literature review of the main social issues in the life cycle of a computer 
  3. A summary of non-conformities determined in audits and communicated by corporations in the electronics industry (IBM, HP and Apple) in their reports on CSR in their supply chains 
The report is divided into two sections: 
  • The first maps out the market, briefly describes computer production and provides an overview of the product’s supply chain, the various phases in a computer’s life cycle and computer components. 
  • The second sets out the issues, presents and describes social hot spot analysis and the additional information collected to describe the social issues associated with computer production from a broader perspective and includes an inventory of joint initiatives, certifications and best practices.  
The overreaching objective is to determine special clauses for responsible procurement practices.