ECPAR | Espace québécois de concertation sur les pratiques d'approvisionnement responsable

Training program

Le guide du formateur Le manuel de formation Les cas pratiques

Facilitator's guide

The facilitator’s guide presents the content of the training manual and serves to: 
  • Help organizations create training sessions based on needs and resources
  • Determine sections in the guide that will require adapted content based on specific policies and practices 
  • List the sources of information available to further understand the topic
  • Ensure that the facilitator possesses the knowledge required to carry out the training 

Training manual

The training manual presents key concepts that buyers and requisitioners must understand in order to grasp and integrate the principles of responsible purchasing into their procurement processes. The 52-page tool is flexible and simple to use in order to: 
  • Design a training tool for workshops
  • Create online training sessions
  • Prepare print material for awareness-building activities
  • Be distributed to participants as a checklist

It includes two blocks of information.

Practical cases

The practical cases aim to make the notions presented in the manual more concrete and foster the use of the ECPAR’s technical sheets. These seven practical case studies and solutions are presented in the tool: 
  1. International labour and environmental law
  2. Social economy and environment: calculating total cost of ownership
  3. Multifunction printer
  4. Flooring: responsible procurement basics
  5. Responsible procurement checklist
  6. Meeting with requisitioners and drafting clauses
  7. Purchasing office furniture