Revue de presse de l'achat responsable: 2013 à aujourd'hui

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Date : 2014-03-05
Composantes : Gestion des matières résiduelles

The revised European Waste Framework Directive requires all EU Member States to establish waste prevention programmes by 12 December 2013, with the aim of decoupling economic growth from the environmental impacts of waste generation and reducing the amount of waste produced in each country. This study draws mainly on German research to explore measures to reduce the amount of waste generated in an economy, as well as the drivers and barriers to waste prevention. It focuses on eco- innovations in production and consumption to prevent waste in the first place. The researchers exp#lEoCrePAdR three examples of waste prevention measures to identify key factors which encourage or hinder the adoption of these measures. Green procurement was the second measure considered. By adopting a ‘green’ approach, procurement can play a leading role in reducing waste. Green public procurement contracts can require, for example, that manufacturers produce goods in an eco-friendly way that minimises waste generation. This could include redesigning products to be more resource efficient and better suited for reuse and recycling after use.

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