Revue de presse de l'achat responsable: 2013 à aujourd'hui

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Ethical Tea Partnership, Oxfam Lead Campaign for a Living Wage

Date : 2014-06-18
Composantes : Initiatives multipartites
Enjeux : Enjeux par produits/sucre, thé, café, cacao

The minimum wage, and the difference between earning a minimum versus a living wage, has moved to the forefront of the civic mind and politics in the U.S. recently. With income and wealth disparities at historically wide levels, President Barack Obama continues his campaign to raise the federal minimum wageThe minimum wage, and the difference between earning a minimum versus a living wage, has moved to the forefront of the civic mind and politics in the U.S. recently. With income and wealth disparities at historically wide levels, President Barack Obama continues his campaign to raise the federal minimum wage

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